- Show me how to create an account
- Show me how to add a new Supersite to my account
- Show me how to add or remove a school on my vhlcentral account
- Show me how to navigate my vhlcentral program
- Show me how to use my vhlcentral online textbook
- Show me how to share, download, and add new files to resources
- Show me how to customize Vocabulary Tools
Show me how to use vhlcentral's LTI-Advantage integration
Show me how to link rostering integration courses in vhlcentral
Show me how to set up my course
Show me how to work with instructor teams
Show me how to manage course assignments
Show me how to use Assessment Builder
Show me how to manage student work
Show me how to use communication tools
Show me how to get in-depth training with vhlcentral Training Webinars
- Show me how to set up and manage courses, rosters, and assignments in PRIME
- Show me how to set up and manage courses, rosters, and assignments in Portales/Portails
- Show me how to set up and manage courses, rosters, and assignments in a Supersite (middle/high school)
- Show me how to set up and manage courses, rosters, and assignments in a Supersite
- Show me how to navigate a course Gradebook, manage and grade student work, and use Gradebook "Reports" tool
- Show me how to administer Assessments, use the course Calendar, create course content, use VHL Resources, and use My Vocabulary
- Show me how to use the communication tools on vhlcentral including Announcements, Forums, and Chat